Source code for fluxpoint.paths.imagegen

from typing import Literal, Optional, Dict, Union, List
import io
from ..http import BaseHTTP
from ..enums import RequestTypes

[docs]class Square: """Square Image class :param width: Set the width of the shape :type width: int :param height: Set the height of the shape :type height: int :param color: Set the shape to be a color from name/hex/rgb/rgba use rgba for transparency, defaults to None :type color: Optional[str], optional :param round: Make the borders of the shape round. (Default 0), defaults to None :type round: Optional[int], optional :param x: Position the image in pixels, defaults to None :type x: Optional[int], optional :param y: Position the image in pixels, defaults to None :type y: Optional[int], optional """ __slots__ = ["width", "height", "color", "round", "x", "y"] def __init__( self, width: int, height: int, color: Optional[str] = None, round: Optional[int] = None, x: Optional[int] = None, y: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: if color is None: self.color = color self.width = width self.height = height if round is not None: self.round = round if x is not None: self.x = x if y is not None: self.y = y
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Converts the class to a dictionary""" return_dict = {'type': 'bitmap'} for i in self.__slots__: if hasattr(self, i): return_dict[i] = getattr(self, i) return return_dict
[docs]class Triangle: """Triangle Image class :param color: Set the shape to be a color from name/hex/rgb/rgba use rgba for transparency :type color: Optional[str] :param width: Set the width of the shape :type width: int :param height: Set the height of the shape :type height: int :param cut: Choose where the missing peice of the triangle is :type cut: Literal[topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright] :param x: Position the image in pixels, defaults to None :type x: Optional[int], optional :param y: Position the image in pixels, defaults to None :type y: Optional[int], optional """ __slots__ = ["width", "height", "cut", "color", "x", "y"] def __init__( self, width: int, height: int, cut: Literal['topleft', 'topright', 'bottomleft', 'bottomright'], color: Optional[str] = None, x: Optional[int] = None, y: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: if color is not None: self.color = color self.width = width self.height = height self.cut = cut if x is not None: self.x = x if y is not None: self.y = y
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Converts the class to a dictionary""" return_dict = {'type': 'triangle'} for i in self.__slots__: if hasattr(self, i): return_dict[i] = getattr(self, i) return return_dict
[docs]class Circle: """Circle Image class :param color: Set the shape to be a color from name/hex/rgb/rgba use rgba for transparency :type color: Optional[str] :param radius: Set the size of the circle from the center point :type radius: Optional[int] :param x: Position the image in pixels, defaults to None :type x: Optional[int], optional :param y: Position the image in pixels, defaults to None :type y: Optional[int], optional """ __slots__ = ["color", "radius", "x", "y"] def __init__(self, color: Optional[str] = None, radius: Optional[int] = None, x: Optional[int] = None, y: Optional[int] = None) -> None: if color is not None: self.color = color if radius is not None: self.radius = radius if x is not None: self.x = x if y is not None: self.y = y
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Converts the class to a dictionary""" given_dict = {'type': 'circle'} for i in self.__slots__: if hasattr(self, i): given_dict[i] = getattr(self, i) return given_dict
[docs]class ImageUrl: """ImageUrl Image class :param url: :type url: str :param cache: Cache the image server-side so it can be easily loaded again such as background images. (Not Recommended for Avatars), defaults to False :type cache: Optional[bool], optional :param width: Set the width of the image, defaults to None :type width: Optional[int], optional :param height: Set the height of the image, defaults to None :type height: Optional[int], optional :param maxwidth: Set the max width so the image can scale properly, defaults to None :type maxwidth: Optional[int], optional :param maxheight: Set the max height so the image can scale properly, defaults to None :type maxheight: Optional[int], optional :param round: Make the borders of the image round for stuff like circle avatars, defaults to None :type round: Optional[int], optional :param x: Position the image in pixels, defaults to None :type x: Optional[int], optional :param y: Position the image in pixels, defaults to None :type y: Optional[int], optional """ __slots__ = ["url", "cache", "width", "height", "maxwidth", "maxheight", "round"] def __init__( self, url: str, cache: Optional[bool] = False, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, maxwidth: Optional[int] = None, maxheight: Optional[int] = None, round: Optional[int] = None, x: Optional[int] = None, y: Optional[int] = None ) -> None: self.url = url self.cache = cache if width is not None: self.width = width if height is not None: self.height = height if maxwidth is not None: self.maxwidth = maxwidth if maxheight is not None: self.maxheight = maxheight if round is not None: self.round = round if x is not None: self.x = x if y is not None: self.y = y
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Converts the class to a dictionary""" return_dict = {"type": "url"} for i in self.__slots__: if hasattr(self, i): return_dict[i] = getattr(self, i) return return_dict
[docs]class Text: """Text class for custom image :param text: Set the text :type text: str :param size: Set the font size of the text, defaults to 16 :type size: Optional[int], optional :param font: Set the font to use for the text, defaults to "Sans Serif" :type font: Optional[str], optional :param color: Set the text color from name/hex/rgb/rgba use rgba for transparency, defaults to "white" :type color: Optional[str], optional :param back: Set the background color for the text box from name/hex/rgb/rgba use rgba for transparency, defaults to None :type back: Optional[str], optional :param x: Position the text in pixels, defaults to 0 :type x: Optional[int], optional :param y: Position the text in pixels, defaults to 0 :type y: Optional[int], optional :param align: Align the text from left/center/right (Default left), defaults to "l" :type align: Optional[Literal[l,m,r]], optional :param bold: Set the text to bold style, defaults to False :type bold: Optional[bool], optional :param italics: Set the text to italics style, defaults to False :type italics: Optional[bool], optional :param underline: Set the text to underline style, defaults to False :type underline: Optional[bool], optional :param line: Set the text to underline style, defaults to 1.0 :type line: Optional[float], optional :param weight: Increase the boldness of the tex, defaults to 500 :type weight: Optional[int], optional :param width: Set the max width of the text box before it wraps to a newline, defaults to None :type width: Optional[int], optional :param height: et the max height of the text box to clip extra text, defaults to None :type height: Optional[int], optional :param outline: Show text outline with default options, defaults to False :type outline: Optional[bool], optional :param outlinewidth: Set the outline size from the text, defaults to 9 :type outlinewidth: Optional[int], optional :param outlinecolor: Set the outline color from name/hex/rgb/rgba use rgba for transparency, defaults to "black" :type outlinecolor: Optional[str], optional :param outlineblur: Make the outline transparency less visible for a cool effect, defaults to 1 :type outlineblur: Optional[int], optional """ __slots__ = [ "text", "size", "font", "color", "back", "x", "y", "align", "bold", "italics", "underline", "line", "weight", "width", "height", "outline", "outlinewidth", "outlinecolor", "outlineblur" ] def __init__( self, text: str, size: Optional[int] = 16, font: Optional[str] = "Sans Serif", color: Optional[str] = "white", back: Optional[str] = None, x: Optional[int] = 0, y: Optional[int] = 0, align: Optional[Literal["l", "m", "r"]] = "l", bold: Optional[bool] = False, italics: Optional[bool] = False, underline: Optional[bool] = False, line: Optional[float] = 1.0, weight: Optional[int] = 500, width: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, outline: Optional[bool] = False, outlinewidth: Optional[int] = 9, outlinecolor: Optional[str] = "black", outlineblur: Optional[int] = 1, ) -> None: self.text = text self.size = size self.font = font self.color = color if back is not None: self.back = back self.x = x self.y = y self.align = align self.bold = bold self.italics = italics self.underline = underline self.line = line self.weight = weight if width is not None: self.width = width if height is not None: self.height = height self.outline = outline self.outlinewidth = outlinewidth self.outlinecolor = outlinecolor self.outlineblur = outlineblur
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Converts the class to a dictionary""" return_dict = {} for i in self.__slots__: if hasattr(self, i): return_dict[i] = getattr(self, i) return return_dict
[docs]class ImageGenerator(BaseHTTP): """Custome image generator Api endpoints documented in"""
[docs] def __str__(self): return "<Image Generator>"
[docs] async def test(self) -> Union[Dict, io.IOBase]: """Test the image generator :returns: The response from the server :rtype: Union[Dict, io.IOBase] """ return await self.request(RequestTypes.GET, '/test/image', return_bytes=True, return_json=False) # skipcq: TYP-005
[docs] async def customimage( self, type: Literal["bitmap", "image"], width: int, height: int, color: str, images: Optional[List[Union[ImageUrl, Square, Triangle, Circle]]] = None, texts: Optional[List[Text]] = None ) -> Union[Dict, io.IOBase]: """Get the created image gen image. :param type: Image type :type type: Literal[bitmap, image] :param width: Overall width of the image :type width: int :param height: Overall height of the image :type height: int :param color: Background colour of the image :type color: str :param images: The image(s) that you want to embed in image, defaults to [] :type images: Optional[List[Union[ImageUrl, Square, Triangle, Circle]]], optional :param texts: The text(s) that you want to embed in image, defaults to [] :type texts: Optional[List[Text]], optional :return: The custom generated image bytes data :rtype: Union[Dict, io.IOBase] """ if images is None: images = [] if texts is None: texts = [] json_data = { "Base": { "type": type, "width": width, "height": height, "color": color }, "Images": list(map(lambda x: x.to_dict(), images)), "Texts": list(map(lambda x: x.to_dict(), texts)) } # skipcq : TYP-005 return await self.request(RequestTypes.POST, '/gen/custom', return_bytes=True, return_json=False, json=json_data)